Fitness Classes and Descriptions

Aerobics with Natalie (Cardio)

Times: Wednesday 9.30am – 10.15am

Teacher: Natalie

Hi-Impact. High impact 45 minute aerobic workout, starting with a warm up, followed by fast and high impact dance routines ending with a cool down. The aim is to work up to a heart rate of maximum 120 bpm.

Aerobics with Tanya – Movercise (Cardio)

Times: Monday 9am – 9.45am

Teacher: Tanya

Hi-Impact. This workout includes warm up, followed by 40 minutes of cardio followed by a cool down.

Aerobics with Tanya

Times: Monday & Thursday 10.30am – 11.30am

Teacher: Tanya

Both Monday and Thursday classes start with a warm-up, followed by isolation exercises for all major muscle groups.

▪Monday:(med impact).

Includes 40mins cardio movements to music, followed by 20mins of strengthening and balance techniques and then a cool down, including elements of tai chi.


(Low impact)
lncludes weight-bearing exercises and resistance training

(weights optional) working on bone health, bone density and muscle strengthening followed by movements to music, a cool down and stretching.

Body and Balance with Robina (Chair)

Times: Friday 9:30am – 10.30am

Teacher: Robina

Low Impact. Come along and join in on a whole-body awareness class with Robina incorporating chair exercises and resistance band training in our spacious North Hall on Friday mornings. Maintaining balance is very important, especially as we get older. Some proven benefits of balance training exercises are: Better balance control which increases strength, stability, and coordination. Maintains mobility and independence. Improves posture. Lessens foot pain and injury. Reduces stress and improves mood. Boosts confidence and overall wellbeing.

Pilates (Mat)

Times: Tuesday 9.30am – 10.30am

Teacher: Lucia



• Improved Posture

• Improved Stabilization/ Balance

• Increased Strength

• Healthy Muscles/ Joints

• Improved Flexibility

• Develop Stronger Core

• Toned Muscles

• Prevents Injuries

Resistance Training

Times: Monday 10am – 11am with Manal | Wednesday 8.30am – 9.15am with Jess | Wednesday 9.30am – 10.15am with Jess

Teacher: Various – Manal on Mondays and Jess on Wednesdays

Hi-Impact. Resistance training builds strength and endurance. Start off with a little cardio followed by a body challenging resistance workout to work the entire body using weights and resistance bands focusing on muscle activation and endurance. Core strength training is a fundamental to balance and good muscle performance.

Shape and Strength with Manal

Times: Monday 11.15am – 12pm

Teacher: Manal

Hi-Impact. Focusing on core strength and stamina.

Strength and Resistance with Robyn

Times: Monday 1pm – 2pm (low impact) | Thursday 9.30am – 10.15am (hi-impact)

Teacher: Robyn

Stretch and Core with Erika

Times: Thursday 8.15am – 9.15am

Teacher: Erika

This is a great class that helps improve core stability, posture, balance, and flexibility giving long lasting relief from postural aches and pains. We focus on the mind-body connection while targeting the deep stabilising muscles in the abdomen, back and pelvic floor. And we finish off with a nice long stretch.

Table Tennis

Times: Tuesday 12.15pm – 2.30pm | Thursday 12.15pm – 2.30pm

A low impact social sport to increase hand-eye co-ordination while having fun and laughing a lot!

Walking Group

Times: Various – please check timetable at top of this page


Please check the timetable for upcoming walks or call the office (02) 9311-4886.